Contract Title: Scientific Expertise Services
Ref No: BSB00353/STA-02
Istanbul Technical University will procure scientific expertise services for developing and managing Local Adaptation Plans (LAP) focused on comprehensive climate risk assessments and adaptation strategies for the designated district within the BSB00353 LAP BLACK project. Experts will identify stakeholders, manage progress meetings, and provide mentorship for LAP implementations. Additionally, digital bulletins will be created to document project progress and effectively communicate strategies to a broad audience. LAP Guides will be designed and published in both Turkish and English. A tender will be issued to procure these services. The project is being financed by the EU INTERREG NEXT BLACK SEA BASIN PROGRAMME. Please request the tender dossier by e-mail from Eren Mert Kaş sending an e-mail to the following address; lapblack.procurement@gmail.com.
The deadline for submission of applications is 24.01.2025 at 17:00.