A cooperation protocol was signed between the Turkish Seismic Isolation Association (TASI) and the Japanese Seismic Isolation Association (JSSI) with the support of the Japanese Ministry of Land and Infrastructure (MLIT) and a mutual technical inspection program and workshop was organized between the two countries.
In August 2024, TASI team investigated seismic isolated and vibration-controlled buildings on-site in Japan with the guidance of JSSI. Next, TASI have invited JSSI and in November 2024, JSSI team conducted similar inspections in Turkey under the coordination of ITU Disaster Management Institute faculty member and TASI general secretary Asst. Prof. Fatih Sütcü. Within the scope of the technical visits, seismically isolated hospitals, industrial buildings, seismic isolator test centers, ITU Structure and Earthquake Engineering Lab and isolator manufacturing organizations were observed on-site and a joint workshop was organized with AFAD.