The “Bagtyýarlyk” drinking water treatment plant, which was inaugurated on May 22, 2024, in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, is designed to meet the region’s water needs with a daily treatment capacity of 150,000 cubic meters. Equipped with German technology, the plant has proven that the drinking water produced, in compliance with European Union, ISO, and World Health Organization standards, is safe in terms of environmental sustainability and public health. Markus Behrendt, the German expert involved in the Ashgabat project, shared his experiences and knowledge with participants at the conference. Asst. Prof. Dr. Hikmet İSKENDER, Prof. Dr. Hasan Can OKUTAN, and Prof. Dr. İsmail TORÖZ from Istanbul Technical University conducted scientific analyses as part of the project, evaluating the facility’s water treatment technologies for compliance with international standards, and the evaluation resulted in a positive outcome. Representing a concrete example of Turkmenistan’s infrastructure development vision, the plant sets a benchmark for environmental responsibility and high-quality standards in the region.